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SEO Strategies to achieve a better result in 2020

It’s almost the start of the New Year, and most marketers are preparing themselves to revamp their marketing strategy. Modern marketing is very dynamic and constantly evolving. Keeping an eye on changes and optimizing your campaign accordingly is critical. For 2020, tactics that succeeded in 2019 may not deliver the best results. I write about the most significant SEO strategies in 2020 that will deliver better results. Read the post and share your knowledge, views, and thoughts in the comment box below. If you have any concerns about SEO strategies for better results in 2020 and beyond, then continue to ask.

Make a thorough audit before implementing any changes on your website. It helps you to see the website’s positive and poor aspects. The more data you have, the better will be your website. In this post, we address four advanced techniques that, if well applied, will bring you great results in 2020.

Here are the SEO tactics one needs to follow

Optimize the structure and navigation of the website

Nobody profits from difficult and messy website navigation. Such sites are hard to manage and can get out of control in a jiffy. These websites are also hard to navigate and can cause visitors to a lot of trouble. Websites users want the most efficient way to get from point A to point B. They’re not going to bother to waste time browsing through multiple menus to find out what they need. Here are some things to remember when it comes to navigating the website.

  • Make sure you are at the forefront of your most important menus.
  • Keep all menus above the fold and just below the logo of the brand.
  • Follow the framework of the standard website design.
  • Optimize the URL so that it can be read and include keywords in it.
  • Enable bread-crumbs search as it helps users to move quickly between pages.
  • Make sure you have a search bar at the top of your page.

These are just some of the many ways your website navigation can be optimized. You can use crawlers on the website to see how easy it is to navigate the site. This will help you optimize yourself.

Related Post: Why and how to Optimize your Website for mobile devices?

Concentrate on User Experience

Google respects, above all other rating indicators, three variables. Those are information, connections, and interactions with the user. RankBrain, a Machine Learning Ai, is used by the search engine to evaluate what kind of user experience the website provides. The AI takes notes of variables such as Click Traffic, Dwell Times, Bounce Tariffs, etc. to understand how satisfied the website users are.

To ensure that users have a good time with it, you need to customize your website. It includes improving the design, branding, content, CTA, and overall performance of the website. Let’s look  at some ways to improve the experience of the users:

  • Keep a clean, clutter-free GUI (graphical user interface). Do not add to the page too many intrusive advertisements and pop-ups.
  • Enable enough space for people to easily scroll through the content. Make sure that people have less room o accidentally click on links.
  • Divide the material into small pieces that are digestible. Include shorter sentences, short paragraphs, and bullet points.
  • Uses pictures to provide details about visuals.
  • Perform A/B or multivariate testing to ensure a great response to your website.

It is also a good idea to explore the website from the user’s perspective on multiple platforms. This will give you a clear idea of how the platform functions and where it needs to be improved.

App Optimization

If you’ve been in the SEO industry or done some form of digital marketing in the past year, you’re probably already familiar with the Mobile-First Index. This is an indexing tool that rates websites higher than those that don’t work well on mobile phones.

App optimization, SEO tactics for 2020

Currently, this only applies to websites with both mobile and desktop versions. Yet Google could not make it down the line standard. The following tips can help you significantly improve your mobile performance.

  • Use a website design that is responsive. Without compromising quality or performance, this system can easily adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Verify that your website is loading within 3 seconds. Most people expect loading websites at that time, and if it takes longer, around 40% are likely to leave a mobile website.
  • Optimize your images to ensure that mobile screens are well loaded and displayed.
  • To ensure that website performance is consistent on all platforms, choose a good quality hosting service.

If your mobile quality isn’t good, you’re going to lose out on a lot of people. Mobile is becoming one of the main channels and will eventually overtake the desktop.

Related Post: Guide to Voice Search Optimization

Develop and optimize material

Content is one of the most significant factors in the ranking. If your content is good, you’re going to provide better user experience, gain a good reputation, and establish authority. All you need to do is ensure that your content is not 2020 standards. Here’s an overview of what you need to remember:

  • Make sure the content has a total of over 2,000 characters. The short-term content of fewer than 1,000 words on the SERPs is not high and does not gain many social shares.
  • Use as much as you can from original research. Invest more in content quality than in content quality.
  • Focus on a topic of the cluster rather than keywords. It helps you to refine the purpose of scan for users. Build content relevant to subjects that will be part of the user search session.
  • Include as many internal connections as possible to distribute the reference juice. Make sure the material is reliable and well-written. It’s also a good idea to get people involved in your post’s comment section. Answer your question, clarify, and maintain the connection between reader and creator.

digital marketing, seo tactics 2020, digital solutions


These advanced techniques will help you reach new heights with your SEO in 2020. Once you have a good campaign for SEO, make sure that you also have a good system for data analysis. SEO is not a fixed method that, when applied, you should forget about it. The world continues to change, and keeping an eye on the changes makes sense. The data collected can be used before they can do too much harm to refine future campaigns and correct errors.

Ouriken’s digital solution services not only help the client create integrated digital ecosystems but also to strengthen brands, increase ROI, new business value. Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. 

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3 Digital Marketing Strategies to Reach Local Consumers

Local Consumers need to be attracted by Local Businesses. Reaching the right consumer at the right time seems like an easy job to do, but it can have many challenges, especially when consumer searching behavior shifts towards journeys. It means consumers may search the same phrase over and over for a month or so, but the expectation of search results varies as they progress in their buying journey. This concretizes the fact that consumer wants personalized results, and if the results are located near to them, then the consumer will be happier. As a matter of fact, reports of Google states that “near me” mobile searches have increased over 500% in the last few years.

What’s in it for local businesses? We need to reach the consumers where they spend a lot of their time, which is mobile devices. And it will be even better than your competitors at doing so.

There will be a need for the right tools and technology in order to make this happen. Thankfully, companies are adapting technological advancements and it makes it easier for local businesses to get their hands on these digital marketing tools and use them to reach nearby consumers. Let’s look at the three ways

Location Extensions for PPC Ads

We are able to show ads with more information about your business location with the help of Location Extensions. It allows searches to see click-to-call and direction links with the proximity to our businesses.

Related Post: Maintaining a Website’s SEO after a redesign

We can take advantage of location extensions to drive searchers to take action directly from your ad, driving calls, foot traffic, and leads to your businesses. Most of the Digital Marketing Solution Providers focus on the PPC Ads with location targetting to achieve most out of the campaign. 

In-App Ads and Deliver Real-Time offers

Many digital marketers confuse themselves when they see the report that consumers are not using mobile phones they think they’re on desktop, but in reality, most of the consumers spend time on mobile apps. Research shows that 90% of smartphone time is spent on apps. So the question arises, how to reach that local consumer base, well the answer is in-app advertisements, like geofencing, display relevant advertisements to consumers when they are using their favorite applications near your business. In realtime consumers see these ads who are in near proximity to our business, display the ad with a compelling message, like an offer or a coupon, which will eventually drive traffic and sales the business would have not gotten otherwise.

Related Post: The Ultimate Guide to Web Push Notifications

Optimized Google My Business Listing

To local consumers, advertising is not the only way to promote our business. One of the most downloaded and used the app from Google is – Google Maps, so it’s important to make sure your business is visible in it, with a requirement of all your information being correct and the link you have provided in the listing, links back to your website. Not only having a claimed Google My Business Listing that’s consistent with your website is an important factor in the site’s SEO, but it will also help your listing get found in local map searches on both web and mobile.

optimized google my business listing

Make Nearby Consumers happy and drive Conversions and Conclusion

All these mobile marketing techniques emphasize the need to have a mobile-optimized website also responsive website for your business that is appealing to nearby consumers who find you on a mobile device. Ensure that your website is built to capture leads from all your digital marketing and advertising strategies but also looks great and works well on mobile. Featuring a call-to-action button and an email submission form on your website or landing page which means you can get more than just clicks from your marketing.

web push notification, pushpushio

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our digital solution services not only help the client create integrated digital ecosystems but also to strengthen brands, increase ROI, new business value.

4 Link Building Strategies That Will Enhance Your SEO


What you do with them is what matters whether you love them or hate them, such is the characteristics of links. To get attention from Google, it’s no secret but to get a high-quality backlink from popular websites. There are two ways to get a link for Google, one is ethical and the second is not so ethical or wrong way to do it. The wrong way will undoubtedly get you blacklisted but the right way will get you a precious firm hold on Google search results.

No matter you’re an expert in SEO or a complete beginner, everyone will agree that natural link building will give you a stronghold in Google search ranking.

Natural Link Building

The attraction of links without investing in time or energy is called a natural link building. They are generated naturally due to guest posting, outreach or link buying.

The content on your website is so valuable that people can’t resist linking your website within their content that is the core idea behind generating natural links. And with no surprise the more you can accumulate the more your ranking on Google will be firm. And to double the impact we would suggest combining both the natural link building with current link building strategies.

Benefits of Natural Link Building

With natural link building, you can impact on the improvement of the traffic on your website, rank, and hence there will be an increase in brand visibility.

Industry Recognition: If your link gets mentioned in the famous publication, your brand visibility will increase.

Social Shares: The number of shares of content is directly proportional to the attraction of natural shares.

Relationship building: With industry experts, the relationship could be built with the help of natural links.

Confidence: If you get traffic from natural links, it eventually refers to the people are genuine and willing to read and invest time furthermore taking interest in your brand.

But how can these natural links be built? Let’s dive deep into the six strategies.

Related Post: 8 Free Ways To Promote Your Business.

Content Marketing

You just have to create a sharing worth content which will be the foundation of strong link building. Natural link building doesn’t need attention and demand from guest posting and blog comments. A sure-shot way to attract links from high-quality websites is building evergreen content. The people and high-quality websites will take note if your content is regularly providing value.

Content Marketing

Social Media Platforms

Without even spending a dime, social media platforms allow you to share links on the platform to be seen by more and more people.

Twitter provides two fields to add the link (in bio and website section). And in profile, there is an option to give a link on Instagram. Whereas, LinkedIn provides three fields to add the link.

Besides all these options, social media will help you to get your content to be seen by a high number of people. Engaging and relevant content is always loved and the audience will share that content. That will result in attracting tons of natural links.

Social Media platforms, facebook ,twitter, ponterest, youtube

Taking Aid from Resource Pages

Resource pages are always known for providing high-value to the customers. These pages contain PDFs, downloadable content, tools and tips, third-party links and interviews that offer valuable content. The traffic on these pages is consistent that is why it becomes very helpful from them to provide that natural link which we need. Sometimes it happens that the pages limit their resources for themselves. But, there is an option to convince the website owner to post your link on the resource page. It would boost your ranking on Google exponentially.

People with modern and digital problems come on these pages looking for digital solutions. And if they liked the content and think it is useful, then they will share it further giving directing more relevant traffic and link juice to the website of yours.

Related Post: Maintaining a Website’s SEO After a Redesign.


If you have got an excellent writer in your team, then ask them to write an industry-leading eBook to get some natural links. An eBook is considered as personal, so if done the right way, then people will consider you as an expert in your domain giving you authority over other websites.

You can intelligently place links of articles, once you’ve crafted a highly valuable EBook or a landing page of your products and services via hyperlinks and CTAs (Call to Action).

ebooks, digital library, natural link building


Honorable mentions in this list would be websites like Quora and Reddit which are very good and helpful for building strong natural backlinks. Every link building activity doesn’t involve guest posting, cold emails, and reaching out to websites. The fact is, the more value you provide the more natural links you will achieve. Efforts must be made for this to happen though.

And that is why it is a strong recommendation for the combination of natural link building strategy with your current link building strategy. That’s how you will attract links from multiple sources and increase your chances of getting your content circulated online.

Ouriken is a standalone web design and digital agency. We design and implements powerful solutions for small and medium businesses in technology, business, and operations. Our digital solution services not only help the client create integrated digital ecosystems but also to strengthen brands, increase ROI, new business value.

Why your Business Needs Digital Marketing to Grow and Thrive?

At one time online marketing was simply a new and different way to market. It opened up a new kind of media on which to trade goods and services. But in past few years, the importance of digital marketing has become something else. It’s become an indispensable part of what a business is to its clients. It’s no longer sufficient to have a website or run any un-focused AdWords campaign. If you don’t have integrated digital marketing solution working for your business then time is working against you because of it. As the Internet grows twisted with everything we do, the value of digital marketing is becoming crystal clear. The main benefit of digital marketing is that a targeted audience can be reached in an economical and measurable way. Other digital marketing advantages add increasing brand loyalty and pushing online sales.

Let’s take a look at why your business requires digital marketing to grow and succeed.

Advanced Analytics

Digital Marketing helps you know the following about your ads and user:

  • You can know whether they viewed or not. But in the case of TV ads, you don’t even know that much. The TV might be on mute or they could have been in some other room.
  • If they  interacted with the ad after viewing
  • Have they shown a liking for the ad by checking the likes?
  • If they shared the ad with friends or family which itself gives an indirect boost to the ad.
  • If they click on some action button mentioned on the ad.
  • We can also track the demographics of the viewers as this is much easier to track with free analytics tools provided by Google like Google Analytics. Also, there are many paid tools available which even give more insights.

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When your client database is linked to your website, then whenever someone visits your website, you can welcome them with your targeted offers. The more they purchase from you, the more you can improve your customer profile and business effectively and efficiently to them. With the help of digital marketing services, you can build a very strong presence on social media platforms. Also by getting connected with social media and handling it carefully, you can develop customer loyalty and build a reputation for being easy to engage with.
digital marketing services

Easy to Scale & Adapt

With any marketing campaign or tool to run, there’s initial investment needed to get traffic streaming to your business. But the effect of a digital marketing plan for small businesses becomes very obvious when you see how simple it is to scale and adapt as your business develops and grows. For instance, with social media campaigns, you can choose a daily budget with display ads and search ads. Which will help you know exactly how much that campaign will cost you. You start seeing amazing results and you also need not have to go and renegotiate an ad spot to keep the ad going. Your ad remains uninterrupted. As you continue to convert that traffic, you just increase your everyday spend and revenues with it. And If something is not working in your marketing campaign, you do not have to wait for the ad agreement to run out. Also, you don’t have to start from scratch. Since you have got the control and power so you need to just make a few small changes and re-launch the ad. The importance of digital marketing rests in the fact that you can get on-the-spot results. Analyze data and bring changes quick to decrease wasted ad spend and spent revenues. This proves to us how digital marketing solutions for a small business.

Best ROI

Email marketing is one marketing method which as the highest ROI. It can show great results for the business. It is a conversion machine. But you need to build your email list with quality subscribers. Then deliver very relevant and quality content to a subscriber’s inbox. This is usually achieved through a blend of social media marketing and content marketing. But these marketing methods have an effective ROI of their own. Content marketing can create three times the leads for about 62% less than traditional marketing. When we talk about leads we are just not talking about website traffic but they are likely to buy your product and become loyal consumers as you nourish that relationship.

Social media can give indirect ROI at times. Forbes study observed that companies using social media exceed 78% of businesses when compared to ones who don’t use social media. IBM noticed that a lead which comes in through social media is seven times more likely to convert into a paying customer. That also means it is more likely that you are spending less money when trying to convert people who will never develop as paying customers. The ultimate priority as a small business is cost-effectiveness. Every Rupee you spend matters. You need to know it is going to give you an ROI. That is the value of digital marketing to small business.

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digital marketing services

Global Influence

A website empowers you to discover new markets and trade globally with only a small investment. The growth of digital and social media marketing has motivated brands to adopt global marketing at a very deeper level.  The lines between separate markets have become smudged. Digital Marketing campaigns appeared in one region surely ‘leak’ to others via social media channels, as are the people’s comments, feedback, and opinions, whether positive or negative.

This approach has worked especially well for certain brands. For instance, Coca-Cola established the initial concept of global marketing and has maintained to hold its slogans universal over the years. From slogans like ‘Have a Coke and smile’ in 1979 to ‘Can’t Beat The Feeling’ in 1989 and ‘Always Coca-Cola’ in 1993, its taglines attracted to its audience’s emotions – universally so. Similarly, Nike has also placed the bar pretty high when it comes to embracing digital as a platform to accelerate global campaigns. A shift positively occurred when Nike launched the Nike iD online store, that allows customers to customize their own shoes. It was a success, with sales reaching above $100 million in a few years. Nike has not looked back since then.

Ouriken has passionate digital strategist who helps in creating digital ecosystems and brands wherein providing a proper digital marketing solution for your business. Also, we give website development services in India and Overseas. We focus on technology research, training, innovation & development of the product.