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What Requirements Should A Good Website Meet?

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What Requirements Should A Good Website Meet?

Do you want to have a website made or do you jump in the deep end yourself? Whichever of the two cases it is, you want your website to be a good website that keeps up with the times. The world is changing rapidly, including the online world. Visitors expect more and more, everything has to be faster and Google is getting smarter all the time. So more and more is being asked of a website, but what are the characteristics of a good website? Or rather, what requirements should a good website meet?

Are you going to have a website made or are you planning to make your own? We have listed the characteristics of a good website. With this checklist, you can check whether your website meets the requirements that a good website must meet! 

  1. The Website Must Be Well-Designed And Functional :

Eye-catchy web design is very important for websites, just as a neat-looking interior is important for shops. Once a potential customer lands on your page, it only takes 50 milliseconds to decide whether they want to continue browsing or stay on your website. The web design must be in line with your brand strategy so that people immediately recognize your company when they land on the website.

Another important point to consider in the design is the usability of the website. Make sure the website is user-friendly in any browser. The best thing about web design is that there are no restrictions and you can experiment and innovate as you, please. After researching your customers’ preferences, you can act on what your customer keeps on the website and converts.

A beautiful website is nice, but a good website must also work well. Therefore, always make sure that the functionality of your website is not at the expense of the design of your website. If a website does not work correctly, there is a good chance that visitors will also drop out quickly.

  1. A Fast-Loading Website Is Essential :

A slow website is quickly abandoned and does not convert. The society we live in demands that everything is done as soon as possible. If your page takes 5 seconds to submit, your visitor will drop out and go to your competitor. A slow loading time also results in a poorer position in search engines such as Google. Not entirely unimportant if you ask us! The speed of a website or a page can be measured in different ways. The most popular tool for this is PageSpeed ​​Insights. This tool is from Google itself and therefore very reliable. When you run your website through PageSpeed ​​Insights, you will have to be patient. After a few seconds, the tool will give your website a score of 0-100 for both the mobile version and the desktop version. They are also nice enough to mention what is wrong with the website in terms of speed and how you can optimize this!

  1. The Website Must Have Clear CTAs :

And we have arrived at the ‘CTAs‘, but what are these anyway? A CTA is a Call To Action. CTAs are often displayed in the form of buttons such as “Contact Now” or “Request Quote”. A CTA translates as ‘Call to action. You want the visitor to your website to do something. With a good CTA, you can bring visitors to where you want them within 1 click. Think about the purpose of your website and make sure there are clear CTAs.

  1. A Good Website Shows Customer Reviews :

Customer reviews show that you have proven yourself before and thus inspire confidence among potential new customers. Think about it for yourself, if you want to buy a product and you are in doubt between two parties. One party has a lot of good reviews and the other party has none. Then you are more inclined to purchase the product from the party that does have reviews. After all, this party has proven itself and provides good service.

Building trust is very important. People now know that unfortunately, not every site is equally reliable and often even prefer to spend a little more money for more security than to buy something from the cheapest, without being sure whether the service is good.

  1. A Good Website Has A Portfolio :

This also applies to the previous one. As we said, trust is important. People simply want to purchase services from companies with experience and expertise. Show your portfolio and make sure that it contains works that you are proud of and of the type of customers you would like to attract again. A portfolio often has little relation to a site such as a webshop, but for a construction company or other type of company that offers a service, a portfolio is nowadays essential.

  1. The Website Should Tell Your Story :

Make it personal! Make sure you tell the story behind your company. In this way, you build a bond with your customer and they also see that there are people behind your company. By telling your story, you also inspire confidence. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a B2B or B2C company; people do business with people. Potential customers, therefore, want to know who they are doing business with. 

  1. The Website Must Contain A Frequently Asked Questions Section (FAQ) :

This is a perk, but very useful. If you have good content, all of your customer’s questions are often already answered. However, some visitors just like to have quick answers to all their questions. It is useful to prepare a FAQ for this. Here visitors can see all their questions and answers to these questions at a glance. Moreover, an FAQ does not take up too much on your page.

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