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Top 6 Benefits Of Cloud Computing For Your Business

The cloud has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. We come into contact with it every time we open our emails, watch Netflix or follow an online course. Thanks to the increase in applications, the popularity of cloud services are all the more true for businesses. The shift to fully digital solutions is well underway and there are very good reasons for this. 

In some cases, cloud computing means completely shifting your office to a digital environment that can be accessed from just about anywhere with an internet connection. But even with a less drastic move to ‘the cloud’, cloud computing gives you a huge increase in functionalities via the browser and an increase in the number of devices that can connect to the internet to get started with your company data. 

Here are the most important benefits for you and discuss how they can make a difference for your company.

  1. Savings on IT and Infrastructure

Switching to cloud computing can save you a lot in IT costs. For starters, you no longer have to worry about purchasing and maintaining all kinds of server installations to store data. You no longer have to configure this, you no longer have to make room for it and the associated electricity costs disappear.

Many cloud services also offer ready-made software packages, so you no longer have to invest in this. In addition, you also need fewer experts within your company who have to maintain your IT infrastructure and provide everything with updates, or you can use them for more important tasks. In case of problems, you can immediately contact the administrator of your cloud to assist you. All of this makes it extremely easy for starting companies.

  1. Flexibility

Working in the cloud gives you enormous flexibility. By placing the entire digital work environment of your organization in the cloud, you can actually work with your data from anywhere and at any time, whether you are visiting a customer or want to quickly check something during the weekend. This also allows those employees who do not need direct access to the company to work from home. For example, it also gives you the opportunity to have experts from all over the world participate in your projects without any problem. Where in the past you always had to work with a fixed computer, that has become completely unnecessary. After all, many cloud applications are also accessible via a smartphone or tablet. 

  1. Scalability

By moving your data and activities to the cloud, you have the advantage that you can easily determine the scale of your activities yourself. Would you like to expand everything quickly and do you want to be sure that your systems can handle the influx? This usually does not have to take long and in some cases, it can even be solved with a limited number of mouse clicks. Has the attention for your organization decreased somewhat and would you rather slow down? That’s no problem either. Everything can be perfectly adjusted to your needs, which gives you enormous flexibility. So you don’t have to worry about purchasing additional equipment

  1. Security of your data

Putting your data and productivity applications all in the cloud can seem quite scary. After all, your data is no longer with you, so what if something happens to it? However, cloud providers are increasingly aware of the appeal of all the data residing on their servers, which is why they invest heavily in all possible means to keep the information safe, both in the event of disasters and external actors. This quickly ensures that your data is in safer hands with them than on your own IT infrastructure. Your data is often copied across different servers, so in case of an emergency, there is still a copy available.

Working with the cloud also gives you the option to work with multiple backups of your data and software. If something does go wrong, you can easily reset all data from your own cloud very quickly. Everything can be easily copied and re-applied, immediately limiting your potential downtime. So you don’t have to worry too much that your business will ever come to a standstill, regardless of your size.

  1. Better Collaboration

The increase in home working has made it all the more clear how important it is to have an environment in which your employees can communicate easily with each other. However, cloud computing makes collaboration a breeze. The information your employees have to work with is available to everyone and can therefore be shared easily and securely. Some cloud services even offer standard collaboration software, which makes creating, adapting, and distributing information together child’s play. So you lose as little time as possible on communication errors and give employees the opportunity to interact as productively as possible.

  1. Automatic Updates

Software needs to be updated regularly and that can quickly prove to be a time-consuming activity for your IT department. Thanks to the cloud, however, these updates take place behind the scenes and your provider always provides you with the latest software. In addition to software updates, automatic upgrades to the servers can also take place, so that you can always get started with the fastest and most powerful infrastructure.

Why You Should Adopt An Agile Working Methodology?

Agile Working Methodology is a way of thinking, working, and organizing. It allows organizations to respond quickly and effectively to changes in the outside world. Customer satisfaction is paramount, especially in light of company well-being and healthy results.

          Nowadays Agile working is often applied in organizations; efficiency and effectiveness are central to this working method. Why should you also consider Agile working? Here are the reasons you should consider using this technique in your organization.

  1. Increased Product/Service Quality

Logically, a customer does not want to buy bad products, but developers within a Scrum team do not want to deliver a bad product anymore. By working in Agile, developers have plenty of time to focus on developing the product, while other team members worry about peripheral issues. As a result, the product will be delivered on time and of high quality.

  1. Predictability Is Made Possible By Agile Working

Where organizations were previously able to provide few details about the delivery time, making the switch to Agile makes the development process more transparent: customers know exactly how long it takes to develop a product and what to expect from it. With sprints as a guideline, the delivery rhythm of a Scrum team is extremely predictable. That’s what makes it so pleasant for customers.

  1. Creating The Right Products/Services

Although this reason is very similar to the previous one, there is certainly an important difference. It is possible that a Scrum team builds exactly what the customer asks for, but that this product is put into use in a completely different way than was intended beforehand. So no value is created for the customer, even though that is precisely the goal. By delivering a partial product after each sprint and then improving it, the Scrum team has a better idea of ​​the customer’s actual wishes and what the product is ultimately used for.

  1. Customer Satisfaction

Although Agile is not a panacea, customers do have the opportunity to follow the development process of the product. The Scrum team remains in constant communication with the customer to deliver the best possible product together. In addition, you make a customer extra happy when a team can add new functions to an existing product or service.

  1. Agile Working Reduces The Risks

When an organization starts working with Agile, this has a direct effect on reducing the risks related to the delivery of wrong products and/or services. Agile itself is risk management. Because partial products are presented to the customer every 2 – 4 weeks and immediate feedback is given, the chance that an incorrect end product will ultimately be delivered is greatly reduced.

  1. Faster Time To Market

A common problem that organizations encounter is the lengthy delivery period. This regularly results in the delivery of wrong products or services that the customer is no longer interested in. By working Agile you avoid this issue completely because a delivery period of 2 – 4 weeks is used.

Interested in Creating Your Own Website? Here’s a Checklist.

Do you want a unique website developed for you? What considerations do you need to make then? For new websites, SMEs, independent business owners, and international corporations. A reliable website is essential if you want your business to succeed. This website checklist will help you make the right choice of a suitable website design agency.

These are the most important things to keep in mind when you want to create a new custom website. 

In this case, Ouriken helps you to design your website as per your requirement so that your website must meet; your objective and ambition, budget, technical conditions, and the choice of the right website design agency.

Purpose Of Your Website :

Know what you want, why you want this, and for whom you want your website made. Is it intended to attract clients, publicize an event, or promote the sale of goods or services? The objectives are many.

A well-thought-out custom website can help you with that. Your requirements are catered to and your goals are aided by a professional website in a number of ways:

  • User Experience design (user-friendliness)
  • Storytelling (brand story)
  • Customer Journey

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Determine Your Budget In Advance :

What budget have you set aside for creating your new website? Do you want your website designer to integrate the content for you, do you do it yourself, or do your employees do it?  Do you have enough knowledge of Photoshop to create web-optimized images? All these questions determine the final costs for your website because this work will have to be done.

Everything stands or falls with your intention; what should the website bring you and what is it worth to you? This decides if you go for a one-page site, a custom WordPress site, or a standard topic.

In case you do not have a good idea for website designing, ouriken can help you with this by making your website and creating a lively innovation that will draw customers with a global reach toward your business.

Pick A Website Design Agency That Suits You :

Would you like to have an expert site made? Then the website composition organization doesn’t need to be huge. The size of the Website Design Agency doesn’t express anything about the quality. A dream team of these 2 tough superheroes is usually sufficient;

An experienced website designer

An excellent programmer

A decent website specialist doesn’t just make a delightful plan. He/she assists you with settling on the right essential decisions so your site becomes fruitful.

Ouriken is a website design agency that will help you to build your website, which is considered a very important part of the business, and the one which acts as the front desk for your Internet business. Which will have a better impact on website users, who are potential clients.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) :

Obviously, you need to have a site made that is enhanced for web search tools like Google and Bing. What do you need to consider and how would you best move toward this? How would you expand your possibilities of getting a spot on the primary page of Google-indexed lists?

Your organization should consider this in fact ahead of time and set it up so that your site is viewed as well. Together with external service partners, he ensures a strong SEO.

A good website developer should be able to understand the basics of SEO and integrate that into your website’s DNA. Through that, you can build your possibilities by being highlighted at Google’s top. Ouriken can provide you with the SEO services you may require for your website.

Own Input VS Experienced Advice :

Do you need to give a ton of info yourself or do you get solid counsel from your website specialist about the plan, technique, and execution of your design website? Direction from an accomplished website specialist is fundamental for a fruitful site.

As a customer, you do not have all the knowledge in a monopoly and you have to be able to rely 100% on the expertise of your designer. So if you have to give too much input yourself without getting good advice, it may not be the right agency for your needs.

Getting good advice from an experienced website designer is crucial here. Ouriken is an expert in website design with a year of experience in this field. Your objectives and ambitions will be met by Ouriken

Why Google Analytics Is Important For A Website?


           The new start-ups usually don’t have the idea of google analytics. In this case, Ouriken helps you with the Analytics Solution. Ouriken will let you know its advantages. How to use it? Where to use it? and why you should use it.

 With Google Analytics you can find out the behavior of the average visitor. It is important when you have a website, to analyze your data with Google Analytics. It recreates a major part of optimizing a website. You gain insight into the behavior of the visitor, which you can adjust your website to.


By analyzing well you can find out the following things:

Through which channel the visitor comes?

How long does a visitor spend on a website on average?

The visitor does click through to other pages on the website.

You can see through which channel the conversions are made.

By regularly checking this online tool, you are more likely to increase your conversion on the website. You could already achieve this with a number of relatively simple adjustments.

Measuring Is Knowing!

An often-used term in online marketing is to measure is to know! With Google Analytics you can measure how many conversions have been made per month and where they come from. By drawing up a weekly/monthly report, you can immediately adjust the website so that the performance continues to improve.

More From Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free package that simply helps you improve your website. It is also possible to link your Analytics account with your AdWords account. giving you more insight into the effectiveness of the campaigns and keywords.

It is also possible to create custom reports, you can arrange the reports according to your own wishes so that you can find out everything in a report.

In short, Google Analytics is indispensable when you manage a website.