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Why Mobile App is important for your Business?

We call our mobile devices smart for one principal reason that is, the host of applications they offer. Around 68% of the population in the United States owns a smartphone as per a survey which was done recently. And nearly 81% of the mobile device users commonly explore for the product or service online and 26% of them search for the apps related to that particular product. If your business has an online presence in the form of a website or even an app, then it will surely leave a great impact!

As a business entity, you might be wondering, your small company apparently doesn’t require a mobile app to sell products to your loyal buyers. But this is sheer misconception which might have been true in the past but not now as you have to be ready for future! Also, businesses all over the world have begun moving to mobile apps! For that reason, you need to get a mobile app developed for business. The business App download is projected to grow in the next 5 years reason being nearly 58% year over year mobile users are growing.

Let us have a look at the benefits a business can gain be developing their mobile apps.

mobile app development

Cultivate Customer Loyalty

Developing a Mobile app for your business helps create customer loyalty. Newspaper ads, flyers, coupons, websites, website banners, Facebook ads, and email marketing slowly lose our impact on consumers because of the tremendous amount of advertising around all of us. It is time to go back to giving a true and actual connection with your customers and making them a true admirer of your product or service. A mobile app development enables a business to instantly communicate with its customer. This real interaction further develops to brand loyalty. It is not that a mobile app is going to save your company, but it can be a means of staying closer to your customers and staying just a “fingertip” away always.

Build a Better Brand and recognition

A mobile app for your business can hugely add to your brand awareness. A mobile app is similar to an empty advertisement sign. You can do whatever you desire with it, you can give it a stylish design and also make it, informative too. But what you really need to do is design a mobile app that has attributes your consumers will like, simultaneously it is well branded and attractively designed. The more often you can get clients engaged with your app, the sooner they will be inclined to purchase your product or service. Further, you may include in-app offers and promotions to keep a customer engaged.

Related Post: Are Progressive Web Apps the Future for Websites?

Direct Marketing Channel

Traditional marketing methods are all gone. There is no need to appoint a salesman to deal with your customers.or print brochures to make them aware of your business services or market your brand on banners or hoardings. But one single mobile app can serve the business with all such features. Push notifications provide a business to send a message or a piece of information reminding the customers about your services and also make them aware of offers, whenever necessary on a mobile device, at any given point of time and place. This benefits a business to keep a customer updated regarding the news, offers, deals etc. A mobile app allows greater customization as against to mobile websites. Also, once you develop a mobile app for business, you can add an easy-to-access payment method, location signals, and greater options for the user’s ease.

Rise in Profits

Customer satisfaction is proportional to sales. Increase in customer satisfaction will typically boost your sales as well. Today, most of the people connect to the Internet through their mobile device also know as smartphones Owning a responsive website that can accustom to any screen, regardless of its size is a must. But if you also develop and launch a mobile app for your business, you will notice an outstanding growth in your sales and profit.

application development services

Nowadays, Businesses have understood the significance of mobile devices and various mobile channels in drawing new customers. Mobile apps are the game changers that give next level customer service. Over a billion people hold a mobile device in their arms reach all the time is not wondering these days. Both the mobile app and website provide a valuable purpose and both have their own boundaries. But surveys and reports show that business owners prefer an app above a website.

Related Post: 10 Incredible Benefits of Social Media and Social Media Marketing!!

Ouriken helps create amazing and effective mobile apps, by offering the best app development service in the industry. We are a dedicated team of experts, who help develop a very user-friendly and beneficial platform to clients, that will help accelerate profit in the near future.