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What is Email Marketing and How to improve the Open Rate of your emails?

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is a very important medium for marketing. It is part of Digital Marketing. In this concept, we are using emails to promote the business’s products and services. It will help your customers to aware of the latest products and the offers services by integrating them into your marketing efforts. It plays a very important role in marketing strategy which helps generate leads, brand awareness, building relationships, engaging customers through different types of marketing emails.

Advantages of Email Marketing:


Email marketing is cost-effective than other marketing channels. In traditional marketing, you have to pay for printing. posters and ad spaces etc. It makes it cost-effective other than traditional marketing.

2. Email Marketing is targeted

In traditional marketing, if you will give an ad related to any product in the newspaper or on the television then there are no limits on who can see that ad. You choose only where to advertise based on the publication and channel’s target audience and where your viewers and readers are interested. But in Email Marketing it is possible to segment your audience based on their interest and behavior. Also, you can send personalized messages to each user so it can lead to a higher conversion rate.

3. Email Marketing increases brand recognition

Email Marketing also increases potential customers for your business. In this, you can send the emails to customers with the subject line which will attract customers. In the first attempt, the people are not ready to buy your product but later on sending targeted emails to help you to stay top of mind with your target audience. So after when they want to purchase the product they will be more likely to choose your business.

4.Email Marketing is measurable

Email marketing campaigns are measurable. We can measure the performance of each campaign with the factors like open rate, bounce rate, and click-through rate, etc. These metrics will give you insights into customer behavior and interest.

5.Build Stronger customer relationships

Every customer of your product wants to know what is happening with your product and how they can get involved in this. So calling every customer on the phone is not possible for businesses. Email Marketing is there to bridge the gap. In this, you can also create a drip Email Marketing campaign to make the process smooth and easier. Drip campaigns are ongoing and they also take the user to the final conversion point.

6.Increase traffic to your website

To visit the customers to your site Email is an important aspect. You can include relevant links to your site in the email content. Also, you can include the links to your landing pages and the blog of your website.

If your product is having any updates or added some new feature then you can send emails to the customers to tell them about these new features.

For ex. Some online classes are having few seats left for their classes, and many of their potential customers missed this opportunity because they have not revisited your website you can send emails to them to fill these seats quickly.


Factors to consider to improve the open rate of your Emails?

1.Use Eye-catchy Subject line

In every email subject line is important. Similar to article headline or ad title the subject line is also important in email. It will engage the people in the product you are offering.

Generic subject lines will not help you target the customers.

->Question: You can use a question in your email subject line to make it a more personal connection with the viewer who is viewing your email.

->The command: Sometimes it pays more attention to the person who wants to take some action.

->The list: With the list, you can make your information more compelling and easy to consume.

-> The announcement: The subject line of your email should be not too complicated if you are doing an announcement. It should be straightforward about what your email is about.


2.Find the best time to send the emails

There are certain times of days when you can send emails. You can segment your email list into 2-3 groups accordingly and send the emails at different times of the day like in the morning, afternoon, and at night. This will take extra time but you will know when your email is opened or when they are likely to open. This will help you to determine the best day or time to send emails to prospects.


3.Get to know your audience

You should know the need and requirements of your customer, but how much you know the people in your contact list. Do you know the topics they are interested in? Do you know why they have joined their email list? Do you know what questions they are asking and how to address them? Understanding your audience is a critical part of email marketing. When you will know more about the customers in what topics they are interested.

Do it in different ways:

-> Survey: Send a short survey to readers to know what topics they are interested in.

->Polls: Ask readers to take a quick one-question poll.

4.Avoid Spam Filters

Email filters are becoming more and more complicated. If your email gets up in the spam folder then your open rate will be lower. Because hardly some people open the mails in the spam folder as they are important. So for that avoid sending spam mails. The emails which contain all caps letters and words like “free”, “sale” or “deal” are looks like spam. Also, your mail should not look like any company’s brochure and it should not contain too many links.


5.Keep Your Email List Fresh

Also if you want leads from your email marketing then your email list should be fresh and quality. Also, review it periodically and remove the inactive emails. Also, remove the emails which are having will improve the open rate and the cost of sending mails to non-existence email ids.


6.Write Quality Content

While sending the email content is also important with subject line and sender name. It would be difficult if you are sending the emails at right time but the content is not proper then it will not generate clicks and sales.


  1. Test Your Mail Again and Again

Testing your email is a key strategy for doing an effective email marketing campaign. In A/B Testing you are testing two different versions of emails. For example, if you are testing only the subject line of two emails then the mail which is having a good open rate is performing well.


  1. Include  A clear CTA

The call-to-action “Learn more”, “Sign up”, “Visit us” is the bottom line of every email in EMail marketing. Your CTA should define the goal of your email. Keep the CTA button at the place where it is performing well whether it is at top of the email or te the end of the email content.


It is better to keep only one CTA in the email. Because if you keep more than one CTA then it is quite confusing and distracting to the user.


  1. Resend Emails

In testing, you can play around with the subject line, CTA, and format of the email when resending it. Make sure that you should not resend the same content repeatedly. Instead, send another piece of content after few days to tell you that “Did you see the blog?”

If you are not getting clicks that you have expected then try a different piece of content with another subject line or trick to send the email.



Email Marketing is your online channel for online profits. The above techniques are useful to increase the open rate of your emails.

4 Reasons Why You Need an Email Marketing Services Provider for Your SMB

It’s no secret that for most SMBs, quick consumer retention and sales development are among the highest priorities – but they still face some of the key obstacles to sustained progress.

Email marketing has proved to be one of the most powerful methods to transform customers and sustain customer loyalty over the product lifecycle.

In an attempt to speed up growth rates, company owners can be inclined to concentrate on fast acquisition and short-term payouts. But a long-term marketing campaign devoted to successful sales, deep consumer engagement, and high-quality revenue is required to achieve sustained success.

The right provider of email marketing services can motivate you to do just that. Press on to discover why.

1. Brand Awareness

Knowledge of the business lifecycle is all at this point. Perhaps just a minority of your future clients would know a lot about your company or your goods. So, if you don’t tell them who is?

You need to start building up a network of loyal supporters and sharing daily posts with them – featuring only material that is of course useful. Newsletters are the perfect way to Grow it up with the target group and raise understanding of this.

Know, when exchanging product details is vital to help your future buyers understand what you are selling, you really need to start telling the story of your company.

What are you, then? Where do you do business? Who are the people you deal with? What is the benefit you may confer?

This can be done by convincing business promotions that hold the name in the spotlight and hold the current and future clients in the loop.

As your company expands it is important to make them a part of your story.

2. Look Professional

Your business may only be in the early stages, but that doesn’t mean you should be losing the brand’s look and sound.

To establish trust with your target audience you need to keep your communications beautiful and sophisticated from the very outset.

With too many marketers competing with stunning, mobile-optimized emails for the attention of the customers, bad design just doesn’t make it anymore. At best you are going to lose out on an open, at worst you are going to badly hurt the credibility of your firm.

Here at Brevo, we make it simple for you to use our drag and drop email design platform and email template collection to build sensitive emails. Email templates allow you to build well-designed email newsletters quickly and easily to reach your customers – no HTML or CSS information needed.

3. Avoid getting lost in spam

Some small and medium-sized companies are concerned about the cost and time involved with getting identified with an email marketing service provider and opt and send their own email blasts instead to avoid the initiative and expense.

You ought to think and weigh the long-term advantages and incentives of opting for a company before you adopt this DIY strategy.

Email marketing systems are designed to deliver email promotions on a large scale. Just Gmail and Outlook. Think of all the missing chances of attracting a potential client or upselling an existing one if the emails get lost in spam files.

You want to maximize the deliverability of emails and open rates by targeting the target audience with the correct message and at the right time in their inbox.

4. Build and engaged contact list

Growing up an email list may sound like a painfully long process for SMBs trying to scale up rapidly. Buying or renting email lists can be enticing to obtain access to a vast range of potential new clients and accelerate the rise.

This can be an expensive error that can threaten the company’s growth and prestige for several reasons:

  1. You don’t know much about the individuals or companies on the email list, so you have no way to make information important to your posts.
  2.  Few people will open your unsolicited emails and many will flag them as spam, damaging your email credibility.
  3. Getting a trustworthy email marketing service welcoming you as a client with a poor mailing background would be really hard to find.
  4. According to the GDPR, non-opt-in techniques are illegal according to the laws in your region.

The point of running a company is that by solving a dilemma you owe your clients money. The only way to ensure long-term, successful progress is to get the right people involved in the plan.

With a successful email collection development plan focused on clients and prospects who are very interested in what you have to say, you can do this by expanding your client list.

Here are just some of the ways to start building your email list

  • Defines customer personas early because you have a better picture of your target audience’s expectations and desires. This way, to reach your current and future clients, you will start creating appropriate content and marketing.
  • Creates simple and conveniently positioned sign-up forms and a convincing call-to-action through the website. Sign-up forms are one of the most critical hurdles to overcome when attracting potential subscribers because if you want to broaden your client list, you need to do it right.
  • Defines your email marketing plan focused on your subscriber’s whole lifecycle. Here the main concerns are interactive style, persuasive content, and tailored contact list segments.
  • Offer value by valuable gated services and tools like ebooks, tutorials, or free demos. The value exchange offers consumers a more persuasive incentive to move on their results.

Here at Brevo we will help you gather and maintain your contacts with simple, customizable, GDPR-compliant subscription forms that can be directly incorporated into your website template.

Our efficient subscription editor lets you personalize forms to suit your website and customize content and user interface to fit your needs.

But you can easily scale your efforts with the right email marketing service provider and start developing high-quality email promotions to maximize sales and create the consumer satisfaction you need to achieve sustained results.

A step by step guide to making your Real Estate Email Marketing more effective

In this article, we will explore the benefits of real estate email marketing, how it can affect your company, and how you can launch an effective real estate email campaign.

Real estate email marketing may seem a challenging idea, specifically for agents and businesses that rely on a conventional approach to customer interaction. Though make no mistake, if you work in today’s competitive industry, you’ll need to know how to use real estate email marketing.

To understand the significance of realtor’s email marketing, you’ll need to explore what they can do to support your company. That includes finding out how real estate email blasts and campaigns can help you engage better with customers and prospective customers.

However, email marketing goes far beyond communication and can help grow leads and expand the business. It’s an easy idea to implement, but one that needs expertise and the support of a reliable email blast provider.

Here ‘s exactly what you need to know.

Why you should be doing Real Estate Email Marketing?

There are several benefits email marketing has for realtors. What you need to know first is why you should use email marketing.

1. To save time and money

When you’ve built a successful email campaign (we’ll explain how to do it later), you can sit back and let the machine do their job.

The great beauty of email marketing is it’s being able to automate it. Then you can concentrate on bigger ticket things like closing sales once you have your email list in place and have planned your messaging.

2. Build your Real Estate Brand

Email marketing in real estate should directly reflect the brand of your agency. Your company already has a reputation within your group and this will extend your email messaging. You can build up your mark efficiently by creating relevant content.

3.Thrive communication with Real Estate prospects and customers

As a real estate consultant, your key aim is to connect with your clients and potential customers. Targeted email alerts and promotions will allow you to do exactly that, cultivating your current partnerships and bringing new prospects into your company. Email marketing in real estate is one of the best ways to nurture engagement.

4. Generate more revenue for your Real Estate business

An email campaign for real estate is a perfect way to transform leads to sales. Email is an easy way for prospects to connect and learn more about their habits and needs. You will then use the useful knowledge to close deals and produce revenue.

How email marketing will affect your Real Estate Business?

1. Nurture relationships with real estate clients

Customers want to feel involved and connected to the companies they work with. This is particularly true in the high-stakes real estate world. A targeted Real Estate email marketing strategy will help you maintain these relationships.

Make sure that all your clients and prospects are not similar. By using email marketing segmentation techniques, you can organize your real estate list into segments of contacts that share the same characteristics. (e.g. Price range and area preferences).

If your email content is relevant to the needs of contact, they are more likely to read through it all the way. Customers want to feel appreciated and will build trust in your real estate brand by acknowledging their specific interests via focused emails.

2. Become more adaptable

You want to expand your company and you want a marketing campaign that is going to scale alongside you. Real estate email marketing can be adapted at any time to your needs and can evolve organically with your company. It ‘s important for success to have adaptability in how you communicate with clients.

3. Gain access to a broader range of customers and prospects

Sendinblue opens the door to usability by selecting a reliable email marketing company it wants. Our all-in-sales and marketing toolbox will help you sell your product to a wider variety of consumers and prospective clients.

4. Close More Real Estate Sales

Any real estate email campaign ultimately aims to close more sales. And you’ll be able to compare revenue with your digital marketing campaigns using the right resources and technologies.

Below we’ll detail how you can quickly and reliably execute real estate email marketing to generate higher sales and business growth.

How to make your real estate email marketing a success

1. Outline your email marketing goals

To get the best out of real estate email marketing, you’ll need to guarantee that your priorities match with your strategic strategy in the long term. That involves targeting the right audiences for your message and ensuring that your emails receive a fitting call for action.

It may be one of the most critical measures to ensuring your real estate email campaign is successful. In the same way, you will ensure that your priorities are changed and modified as your company expands and your customers change.

2.Build out your Real Estate Email List

To get the best returns from your promotions you’ll need a committed and involved real estate. So what is the safest way to win one ‘s hold?

Of course, actually purchasing an email list may seem appealing but this choice should be avoided at all costs. Sending unsolicited emails places you in danger of being classified by ISPs as spam which can hurt your deliverability in the long run.

Only organically grow your list using opt-in methods like email signup forms. You can place them on your website, link them to social media, and even have in your agency office a written sign-up form.

3. Choose the best email marketing service for real estate professionals

There is no shortage of realtors to choose from about email marketing services. Be sure to test out our comparison email service guide to find the one that fits better for you.

Note that beyond a publicity device you want a friend. Choose a company that can evolve and adapts to suit your changing demands – and in the process will not cost a lot.

It’s time to try real estate email marketing

Hopefully, you ‘re now aware that email marketing in real estate is a good choice for your business. From updates to personalized material, email is a convenient and inexpensive way to grow your company and reach consumers.

It also affords unlimited creative possibilities and gives the real estate business the chance to differentiate the company from the competition. It has the special advantage of supplying a wide community of individuals with specialized, tailored communications.

Creating real estate email blasts and campaigns is fairly easy. Working with a trusted partner such as Sendinblue gives you all the tools you need to succeed. To get started, Create your free Sendinblue account in just a few clicks!